Corporate Social Investment
ReuGrow Community Project
Established in 1993, ReuGrow is an initiative that was started between the Reutech Applied Electronics Segment and Nunet, with the aim of creating sustainable economic social upliftment.
This programme sees companies such as Fuchs Electronics supporting communities with the seed capital and human resource time to kick-start the project.
By actively engaging Military Veterans and the community where the project will be established, ReuGrow aims to cultivate skills that would aid self-sustaining economic upliftment.
In South Africa, small businesses are recognised as a driving force for economic growth and creation of jobs. However, 80-90% of new businesses fail in the first two years, with some of the reasons for failure being lack of access to markets, capital and business skills.
Enterprise development is a business to black business transaction, where the aim is to provide contributions to assist in the operating, financial and development of business sustainability.
Fuchs Electronics supports Enterprise Development by making contributions in line with the BBBEE ICT Sector Codes to qualifying small businesses.
Contributions are made to ICT sector EMEs & QSE who are more than 50% black owned and 30% black woman owned.
These contributions are in the form of:
- Favourable payment terms ( Less than 10days from invoice date) to qualifying suppliers.
- Interest Free Loans to qualifying beneficiaries.
- Other monetary and/or non-monetary support.
B-BBEE Certificate:
Download Empowerdex Verification Certificate.